Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brooke Hogan Tries to Shit On People, Only to Have People Shit Back On Her.

OK, if talking shit about people who's careers are far superior to your own isn't bad enough, then please read what just one of hundreds of Brooke Haters had to say to her via Twitter:

Brodi_Avalon @BrookeHogan . Remember, you can't spell " Brooke Hogan " without " Broke Ho"

OMFG! Does anyone else think this is ridiculously funny as fuck? Dude sent this straight to her! ON TWITTER! If you've ever played with your Twitter, you know that whenever someone says @displayname, the person who's display name you listed automatically receives the message! That means Brooke started playing with her Twitter and discovered a whole lot of hate! Damn. Gotta love it.

That's what happens when you talk shit.

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