Alert! Alert! I've discovered busted twins. Ugliness is lethal on it's own, but when we are ambushed with two of them, it can cause damage of apocalyptic proportions. These boys were featured on The Sartorialist (link's in the blogroll, bitches), and from the likes of it, based on their keen and respectable senses of style, they discovered early on that they would have to make up for their looks with their clothing.
But even the best matched shirt-jacket combination can't hide what's happening on those mugs. Those peanut heads are the first problem, but really it isn't over the top until the eyes come into play. Those are simply dangerous. They scream former, and possibly current, drug addict. They could be packing a gram in each of the bags under their eyes. Hmm, that's convenient.... I'll take note of that for later.
And the pimple on the left hand twin's giant chrome dome does him no justice. At all.
At least they put on lotion. I hate ashy bastards.
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