How dare the police come popping into the crackhouse while this poor young criminal was trying to get his hair did? This is just unfortunate. Homie can't be looking all half-did while in jail! He'll be made someone's bitch as soon as he boards the bus to Sing Sing.
While I feel so bad for the man arrested mid-taming, I feel even worse for the woman/man-who-wants-to-be-a-woman who was braiding his hair for his/her/its next crack binge. Damn police shackled him up before he could toss you a vial! And taming the damn cotton plantation on his head while steadying your withdrawal-induced hand shivers must've been so trying! And the braids are so straight! I'll pray for you.
Follow the link below for more info on where Marcus T. Bailey is so he can slip you a tubule as you slip him a 5.
God Bless America!
Parents: hide the children.
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